The Indiana Homesteading Conference provides breakout sessions by dozens of experienced speakers across a multitude of homesteading/ sustainable living and preparedness topics. At IHC, attendees can also learn where to find tools, businesses, and other resources that will help them develop community and achieve their goals. We meet people regularly who want to reconnect to a more down-to-earth approach to living and eating, but they feel overwhelmed and don't know what to do. Our hope is to provide support that will build resiliency in families & communities and have a lasting impact. It is our belief that skills for sustainability are crucial, and they have real value and impact in the season we are living in. We hope people will leave inspired, and build upon what we are offering.
IHC supports both beginners & more experienced with training that will help in obtaining a more sustainable lifestyle. We offer 5 topic options during each breakout session. For some, that is a lot to choose from. For others, who have already gained some skills, they like having additional options to expand their skills. We want to serve as a hub for a multitude of topics and offer an assortment of community building opportunities. Our hope is that people will leave the conference with new friendships and connections, taking what they’ve learned back home to their local communities, with some possibly stepping into the role of mentoring others.
In addition, we want to build partnerships with people as well as with businesses who have a passion for this issue, encouraging relationships at the local level with those who would like to reduce their dependence on big systems and learn from each other. Grassroots movements that encourage community and living locally are very beneficial.